A photo of an off-center dandelion

Dandelion Counseling LLC

Therapist Supporting You Through The Ebb And Flow Of Life. Dandelion Counseling. Mental Health Services for Children, Adolescents, Adults, Couples, and Families.

Book Your Appointment Today.



As part of NHSC, no one will be denied access to services due to inability to pay; and there is a discounted/sliding fee schedule available based on family size income

How Therapy Can Benefit You

How Therapy Can Benefit You

By working with a therapist, in a confidential setting, you can feel supported through all aspects of life. They offer problem-solving skills, coping strategies, and support in managing interpersonal relationships and day-to-day challenges. Get a fresh perspective from someone neutral and unbiased.

Through your work in therapy, you can…

  • Develop coping and communications skills for interpersonal relationships.
  • Learn to manage feelings of anger, depression, grief, and stress/anxiety.
  • Release old patterns of behavior and develop new healthy habits.
  • Find a deeper understanding of yourself.
“The dandelion flower is a symbol of growth, hope, and healing.”

Our Services

Our counselors offer a range of therapy modalities, including EMDR, CBT, sand tray, play therapy, and more.

A young child with a big smile

Kids & Adolescents

Address needs and build skills through comfortable and safe counseling

A young school girl distracted in class


A safe space to ask questions, gain skills, and work towards goals.

Married couple talking with a therapist


Counseling that addresses relationship’s challenges, improves communication, connection, and satisfaction.

A middle-aged woman in an outdoor setting


Supporting whole families to work together towards positive change.

A woman spending time with her young child on the sofa

Everyone can benefit from counseling

Be it a struggle with a relationship, communication skills, traumatic experience, or lack of self-confidence, counseling can aid in growth and positive change. The tool of therapy can address a wide range of reasons and needs, all with the goal of a fuller, happier, and more examined life.

Expert Knowledge, Engaged Counselors

Our counselors have a vast knowledge of a variety of therapy modalities, and their purpose is to help you gain an understanding of yourself, your thought patterns, and behaviors, so you can use the skills you acquire in your work outside of session. The more clients engage with the work, the more they’ll get out of the process. Psychotherapy allows us to create new positive changes, see life from a new perspective, and actively participate in personal and interpersonal growth.

A close up picture of a flower

Why Dandelion Counseling?

Dandelion Counseling is named after a special experience Stephanie had working with a child from the foster system. A wish made on dandelion petals ushered in a new family and comfort for the child. Ever since, Dandelion Counseling has embodied the essence of that magical story and seeks to provide quality and comfortable mental health services for the Martinsville area.

Beautiful portrait of a dandelion
Let's Talk written on a scrap piece of paper on a wood desk

We’re here to help.

Please fill out the form below with your information, including name, email address, and phone number. Messages are typically returned within 48 hours.